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Find your place

God has gifted us each uniquely and one of life's great joys is finding places to use your talents to help God's kingdom.

Church Ministry Opportunities

Grow Kids (Birth-4th)

"Train up a child in the way they should go..." - Prov 22:6
Sharing the love of Christ with our most precious attendees.

The Hills/Heights (5th-8th/Sr High)

"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." - 1 Cor 11:1

Formative teaching for the formative years.

Group Life

"Let us not neglect meeting together...Let us encourage each other" - Hebrews 10

Diving into scripture, praying and sharing life with one another.

Community Outreach


One of the things that makes our community great are the organizations and individuals who step up to serve those around them. We want to walk along side those that are fulfilling the great commandment in amazing ways that impact our community!


We believe seeing a community come together as one is a step toward the unity that Jesus prayed for us. We host and take part in events and opportunities for us to 'love our neighbor'. Fostering connection and uniting our hearts!


There will always be people in need, some great and some small. But we believe we should do what we can to meet the needs in front of us. In the past we utilized a thrift shop but our future will always include caring for those in need.

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